artist/ Domih


With his multi-faceted work, DomiH is part of the black tradition to which painters such as Pierre Soulages and Richard Serra now belong.
The artist takes up all its themes.
It’s as if she’s gone back over the journey of trial and error in her exploration of the reluctant material that refuses to yield and demands relief, adjustments and compositions in order to find the right balance and finally produce that special light that only ‘black’ produces.
On large monochrome plates, DomiH transcribes symbols and landscapes, forms that appear ghostly and mineral, as if carbonised in the manner of graphite. But they have a light, transparency and reflections that evoke the other state of carbon: diamond.
Carbon, graphite and diamond, opaque and transparent, light and strong, ordinary and precious. This is what’s so touching and right about DomiH’s work, and what gives it a future: the ability to combine, at all times, the fragile balance that belongs to all artistic expression, the necessary rigour and absolute freedom, the work of resisting matter and the poetry of the invisible.
Yves-Marie Lequin
Writer and Philosopher


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