artist/ Moke fils

République démocratique du Congo (RDC)

Jean-Marie Monsengwo Odia, known as Moke fils, was born in 1968 in Kinshasa. The older son of the great Moke, Moke fils has taken up his father’s name and traits. He is happy to acknowledge that his style is similar to that of his father. He is proud of it – which is understandable – and clearly proclaims his heritage. His canvases use caricatures to tell the tale of chaotic and colourful everyday life in Kinshasa. Drivers are at odds with police officers and struggle to make their way through the traffic jams, young women wear g-strings with pride and right in the faces of taxi and bus passengers, and people argue and hurl abuse, although everything gets sorted out in the end. Those who know Kinshasa feel they are back there, while those who have never visited the city are amazed by these colourful scenes, which are highly reminiscent of cartoons. Moke fils moved to France around ten years ago.


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