CSR Approach

We are committed to participating in the reinvention and development of the event industry, bringing stakeholders together on the path to sustainable development while respecting our compliance obligations.

Our ultimate goal is to offer services of excellence and innovation through a process of continuous improvement, driven by the expertise and enthusiasm of our teams.

Engaged Governance
Our hosting site is labeled as an “Innovative and Sustainable Destination” and operates a management system certified under ISO 20121 and ISO 9001.

Our building is highly accessible, we have signed a 100% decarbonized electricity contract, and we are connected to the urban heating network (a solution that allows the extensive introduction of Renewable and Recovered Energy in the area – biomass, recovered energy, solar thermal, geothermal).

Our Commitments:

  • Contribute to the dynamism of the region
  • Reduce our environmental impact
  • Act as a responsible employer

Lille Art Up! is a place of unforgettable artistic encounters that highlights the region on a European scale through its exhibitions, annual themes, cultural partnerships, and diversity of artists and galleries. Art is essential to our society, and its values are promoted every year in Lille.

Examples of Initiatives Implemented at the Event

  • Support for the young artistic generation with the organization of the Révélation By Lille Art UP! competition
  • Numerous partnerships:
    • To put art at the service of health (CHU, 111 des arts…)
    • To promote the local cultural network (museums, Lille 3000, association of Lille galleries…)
    • To support schools (ICART, ISEFAC…)
  • Collaborative synergies with local organizations
  • Ticketing offer with reduced prices
  • Printer labeled Imprim’Vert, using certified papers, recycling their inks, and working with people with disabilities (ESAT)
  • Collection of cork stoppers to fund the fight against cancer
  • Promotion of accessibility through sustainable mobility
  • Waste sorting and recycling
  • Collection and recycling of cigarette butts
  • Dematerialization of ticketing
  • Rental of materials and equipment
  • Reduction of carpets
  • More responsible catering options
  • Implementation of a sobriety plan
  • Collection of food redistributed to the Red Cross

Save the date Lille Art Up! 2025

Art Night

La Nuit de l'Art is a captivating night where artists create live performances.

Come and experience an evening where colours and sounds come to life live, on Thursday 13 March 2025 from 6pm to 11pm.

Art Up! arrives in Grenoble

In 2024, the Art Up! brand was exported to the Grenoble region by co-creating Grenoble Art Up! with ALPEXPO.

See you at ALPEXPO from 22 to 25 May 2025 for the second edition.

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