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10 rue capitaine Yves hervouet
44300 NANTES France

Mobile : +33622306686

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Manager : BURTIN

Galerie Patrick Burtin presents works from the second half of the 20th century: paintings, sculptures and ceramics. In the realms of figuration and abstraction.

A protean figuration that brings together painters from the Manifeste de l’Homme Témoin, such as Bernard Lorjou and Michel de Gallard, the painters of synthesis, like Camille Hilaire, and the Parnassian realists associated with the return of color, such as Guy Bardone.

Resonating with this figurative vitality is abstraction, the heart of our selection. Abstraction is rooted in the pictorial overtaking of earlier artistic movements, under the influence of pioneering artists such as Vasily Kandinsky, Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian. The twentieth century would seize on this trend and explore its many avenues.
In the years following the Second World War, open to all artistic expressions and aesthetic trends, Paris asserted its supremacy in the field of art. A whole mosaic of talents united under the term “Second Paris School” would write a fertile page in the art history of the second half of the 20th century.

Come and discover our selection of works by the Second School of Paris: Claude Vénard, Jean René Bazaine, Bernard Quentin, Albert Bitran, Ladislas Kijno, Huguette Arthur Bertrand and many others.

The Gallery also exhibits more contemporary favorites that vary according to acquisition opportunities.

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