Galerie du palais Lionel
4 place de l’Hermitage
62520 Le Touquet-Paris-Plage France
Mobile : 06 89 08 36 23
Email : lionel.fibleuil@galeriedupalais-letouquet.fr
Manager : Lionel FIBLEUIL
Website : http://galeriedupalais-letouquet.fr

4 place de l’Hermitage
62520 Le Touquet-Paris-Plage France
Mobile : 06 89 08 36 23
Email : lionel.fibleuil@galeriedupalais-letouquet.fr
Manager : Lionel FIBLEUIL
Located in Le Touquet, the art gallery Galerie du Palais presents a dozen artists. We need to promote artists who want a prominent place in the art market. Our mission is to support them in their work, to increase their visibility, their notoriety and their rating.
Featured artists :