Galerie Circo
318 lippenslaan
8300 Knokke-Heist Belgique
Mobile : +33668547836
Email : galeriecirco@gmail.com
Manager : Circo
Opened in 2023, the Circo gallery was presented in the artistically renowned seaside resort of Knokke le Zoute.
Through a careful presentation and a selection of internationally renowned artists, it has stood out and increasingly become a reference for collectors.
The Circo gallery is taking a contemporary approach to the art market.
Featured artists :
Robert Laemmel
The sculptor Robert Laemmel lives and works in the south of France, in the PACA region. He specializes in creating tree sculptures using aluminum wires of various colors. Each tree is shaped according to his inspiration of the moment, allowing his imagination to guide his…Willem Wouters
WILLEM WOUTERS (1984) is a Belgian architect who has created art objects at the present time. This is the process of designing each work of art in the same way as your architectural project. They experimented with creative ideas to use the techniques of material…