artist/ TERRA

TERRA Béatrice: with the stroke of a pencil!
Béatrice TERRA, powerfully attracted by the exacerbated sensitivity of certain men, goes to meet them, over time, along the streets, on the train…
Appearances. Disappearances.
She remembers her emotion and lets herself be guided. “Why should sensitivity be the prerogative of women?” she asks.
Béatrice TERRA has a jubilant line.
No sooner has the character appeared than the artist, while cherishing him, lives with him a story of formal destruction. Under the emotional overload, the form collapses.
In his characters, there is a fragility that accentuates their transience.
Béatrice TERRA’s characters bear witness to the fragility of a particular moment that she perpetuates in her drawing, in her painting.
It does not freeze the encounter but fixes a moment captured over time.
Béatrice TERRA has a favourite theme: men, with a slightly “crumpled face”… often accompanied by dogs, cats, and other friend in misfortune of his heroes.
His paintings are filled with emotion, tenderness, humour and poetry.
She “sketches” more than she paints, reminiscent of a Daumier who would have swapped his pencils for brushes!
Today, she offers us pencil work on Arches paper but also on fabrics for even larger formats.
Béatrice Terra was born in Saint-Etienne. She lives and works in Montbrison in the Loire. She studied Advertising Communication. In parallel with her commercial and advertising activity, which she carried out for several years, she attended classes at the Serge Brossy painting workshop in Saint-Etienne.
In 2002, she moved to the south of France where she began to give classes in plastic expression. At the same time, she multiplied her exhibitions and in 2007 she returned to the Saint-Etienne region and opened her studio.
Currently and since 2007, she only works in art galleries including Platini Gallery, Glineur Gallery, Art n Pepper Gallery, Cécile Chiorino Gallery,…
Participated in Art up for about ten years.