artist/ Elisabeth Serre

After studying dance and the Ecole de la rue Blanche in Paris, Elisabeth followed an atypical path that led her to work at the Théâtre National de Marseille “La Criée” where for ten years she was at the heart of the creations with the artistic teams, costume designers and set designers.
She went through fashion with the designer Agnès b and created her decoration brand Lily Blanche as a hymn to delicacy.
After two years at the School of Fine Arts in Marseille, Elisabeth returned to dance through Qi Gong, which she taught in a technique that brought them together.
His painting is the extension of his work on the body, a spiritual quest for grace.
She is now presenting the series Céramica, the culmination of research on painting, sculpture, matter and the power of colours on our emotions.
Organic forms, the epicenters where life takes shape, the sources are also at the heart of this work.