artist/ Jean-Pierre Pincemin

At the age of 23, Jean-Pierre Pincemin began to paint, he left his job as a turner for good. His background: passion, the desire to do. It was the gallery owner Jean Fournier who encouraged him to create his first pictorial works. From 1968 to 1973, Jean-Pierre Pincemin began working with glued squares: the canvas is first immersed in a bath of paint, then it is cut out and assembled into irregular, square or rectangular geometric figures. In 1971, Jean-Pierre Pincemin joined the Supports/Surfaces movement, a movement created at the end of the 1960s. This movement of which Matisse was the initiator with his cut-out papers, was continued by the new abstraction, hard edgeaux USA and in France, by Simon Hantaï or Claude Viallat. The concept of this movement focuses on the physical reality of the painting.