artist/ Coussée

Nathalie Coussée is a painter born in 1966. Passionate about art and creation, she began a career as a stylist in the 90s. She draws her inspiration through her various travels.
It was in 2009 during her first trip to Burkina Faso that Nathalie had a revelation. She fell in love with Africa and its arts, her career took a big turn: painting became her new means of expression, Africa her second home. The Royal Academy of Belgium teaches him technique, African culture and emotion. Through the duality of this learning Nathalie develops a unique style. The multitude of details, the exuberance of colors and the ambiguity of shapes play on the limits between the abstract and the figurative.
Unconventional, Nathalie explores paths not yet distorted by the cultural conventions imposed by time and ready-to-think. His inspiration is as deep as his painting is the intact expiration of the aesthetics, chaos, angels and demons that punctuate his African and Flemish life. The colors are primal and force the eye towards all the vigor and depth of the cultures it encounters.