Amar Arte
Florida 971, L 17 & 18 ( galería Larreta )
1005 Buenos Aires Argentine
Mobile : +54 911 5 7 200960
Email : amararteba@gmail.com
Manager : Karin Dhadamus
Website : http://Www..amararte.com
Florida 971, L 17 & 18 ( galería Larreta )
1005 Buenos Aires Argentine
Mobile : +54 911 5 7 200960
Email : amararteba@gmail.com
Manager : Karin Dhadamus
Buenos Aires – based art gallery with a passion for young and/or established argentine artists. Each artist we represent embodies the vibrant spirit of our home country’s landscape.
Belgian born founder Karin Dhadamus holds a degree in law and international politics and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Curating Contemporary Art.
Amar Arte is the fruit of her passion for art and more specifically argentine art. She’s also a vivid art collector.
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