10 rue capitaine Yves hervouet
44300 NANTES France
Mobile : +33622306686
Email : galeriepatrickburtin@gmail.com
Manager : BURTIN
Website : http://www.galeriepatrickburtin.fr

10 rue capitaine Yves hervouet
44300 NANTES France
Mobile : +33622306686
Email : galeriepatrickburtin@gmail.com
Manager : BURTIN
Galerie Patrick Burtin presents works from the second half of the 20th century: paintings, sculptures and ceramics. In the realms of figuration and abstraction.
A protean figuration that brings together painters from the Manifeste de l’Homme Témoin, such as Bernard Lorjou and Michel de Gallard, the painters of synthesis, like Camille Hilaire, and the Parnassian realists associated with the return of color, such as Guy Bardone.
Resonating with this figurative vitality is abstraction, the heart of our selection. Abstraction is rooted in the pictorial overtaking of earlier artistic movements, under the influence of pioneering artists such as Vasily Kandinsky, Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian. The twentieth century would seize on this trend and explore its many avenues.
In the years following the Second World War, open to all artistic expressions and aesthetic trends, Paris asserted its supremacy in the field of art. A whole mosaic of talents united under the term “Second Paris School” would write a fertile page in the art history of the second half of the 20th century.
Come and discover our selection of works by the Second School of Paris: Claude Vénard, Jean René Bazaine, Bernard Quentin, Albert Bitran, Ladislas Kijno, Huguette Arthur Bertrand and many others.
The Gallery also exhibits more contemporary favorites that vary according to acquisition opportunities.
Featured artists :
RICHTER - 06/04/1888
Hans Richter was a German-born painter, visual artist and filmmaker who became an American citizen in 1947. After studying architecture, he attended the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts in 1908 and the Weimar Academy in 1909. In his early years, Hans Richter painted in an…BITRAN - 25/12/1931
Albert Bitran (1931-2018) was a French painter, engraver and sculptor of Stamboulian origin. Having come to Paris to study architecture, which he soon abandoned, Albert Bitran devoted himself to painting. He started out between committed realism and the École de Paris, which developed abstraction. His…QUENTIN - 22/06/1923
Bernard Quentin is a French painter, sculptor and visual artist born in Flamincourt. In Paris, he studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs. Immersed in post-war Saint Germaine des Près, Bernard Quentin joined Boris Vian’s gang and frequented the…KALLOS - 15/11/1928
Paul Kallos is a painter of Hungarian origin, naturalized French in 1974. He settled in France in 1950 as a political refugee, and was soon noticed. The Galerie Pierre (Pierre Loeb), a major exhibition and sales venue – one of the galleries that shaped the…LORJOU - 09/09/1908
Bernard Lorjou is a French painter and engraver born in Blois. He worked in a number of small trades before joining the drawing studio of Francis Ducharne, supplier to the Lyonnais silk manufacturers. Self-taught in Ducharne’s studio, he began his training as a draftsman and,…FOYER - 03/02/1954
Dominique Foyer strives to bring out the universal side of painting. Using paint, pure pigments and inks, he strives to fuse Asian and Western influences, reinterpreting lyrical abstraction. Fascinated by the calligraphic art of Chinese scrolls, he combines several influences in a gestural technique, using…PRASSINOS - 30/07/1916
Mario Prassinos was born in Constantinople in 1916. In 1922, the family moved to France, first to Nanterre and then to Paris. From an early age, Mario Prassinos was immersed in the Surrealist milieu. There, he met avant-garde writers and painters: André Breton, René Char,…GERMAIN - 31/01/1915
Jacques Germain studied at the Académie Moderne with Fernand Léger and Amédée Ozenfant, before going on to Germany to study at the Bauhaus in Dessau with Vassily Kandinsky and JOsef Albers, then in Frankfurt at the School of Applied Arts with Willi Baumeister. In 1947,…MORTENSEN - 23/10/1910
Richard Mortensen is a Danish painter born in Copenhagen in 1910. In 1932 he left the Royal Academy of Copenhagen – after two years of study – and went to Berlin with Ejler Bille*. Initially attracted by surrealism, Mortensen abandoned it on contact with members…HILAIRE - 02/08/1916
Camille Hilaire (1916-2004) was a French painter born in Metz. Between 1933 and 1935, he apprenticed as a house painter, while at the same time taking up painting. A young admirer of Dürer, whose incisive brushstrokes he retained, Camille Hilaire enrolled at the Paris Ecole…PICHAUD - 28/09/1935
A multi-talented, self-taught artist, Claire Pichaud has forged her artistic personality through encounters. She began her pictorial career at the age of 35. It’s a journey punctuated by periods of work in series, expressed mainly in oils on paper and acrylics on canvas. Typical of…KIJNO - 27/06/1921
His visual language revolved around spherical and ovoid forms, curves and roundness, a rhythmic pattern characteristic of his work. As he himself said: “We all have a certain rhythm, we are all very probably, at our origin, determined by a rhythm ”*. In 1948, Ladislas…BAZAINE - 21/12/1904
Bazaine (1904-2001), decorator, illustrator, painter and a major figure in the New School of Paris, left his mark on the art of our time. He studied at the Beaux Arts in the studio of sculptor Paul Landowski, but abandoned sculpture to devote himself to painting…Robert Marc - 10/05/1943
Robert Marc, a French painter born in Auxerre, began painting at an early age, attending the Ecole Nouvelle de la Suisse Romande. Inspired by the Russian avant-garde and Constructivist movements, Robert Marc mainly produced oils on canvas, cardboard or panel. “From a choice of abstract…